While this issue has slid from the media spot lights, it is still sitting on a nerve of mine. Not too long ago a Judge snuck into his own courthouse late at night (dressed in all black, as judges often are, and with the “Mission Impossible” theme playing in the background) and placed a block of stone engraved with the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament. Sensing a disturbance in the Force, the liberals were immediately incensed and demanded its removal. This situation is not unique to this one courthouse.
In the latest trend to gain freedom from religion, there has been an outcry to have all instances of the Ten Commandments removed from courthouses and other public places. An equally loud outcry has come from the other side wanting such inscriptions to remain and more added. Why is this? Why is there such a strong push to have more visibility of Ten Commandments and similar edicts?
I guess we want so badly to see the Ten Commandments carved in stone in our houses of justice as a way to oppose the moral decay of our society. Why is the Christian Right so hung up on the Ten Commandments? Why is that hailed as the answer?
Bloom’s Taxonomy says that there are six levels of cognitive skill. The most basic and simplest is Knowledge (or Memorization). Memorization is easy. I feel that many Christians treat the Scripture as a giant rule book. We then tromp about this globe memorizing rules and citing infractions. We pat ourselves on the back for catching the wrongs and setting the rights. If this was the answer, then why was the Messiah sent?
If all that we are is nothing more than referees, then we have become lazy. The Way is difficult. The Way is uphill, twisting, pocked, winding, littered with obstacles, and narrow. We are to help. We are to lift. We are to Love. Why are so many bent on seeing the Ten Commandments carved in stone? Why is no one picketing and petitioning to see Matthew 22: 37-39 carved in 3 tons of marble?
J Ian Wilson
27 - may - 2004