// ------------19/Jan/00 J. Ian Wilson--------------
// This program takes a flat ascii file and makes a roster
// for each teacher of their students over 2 semeters
// STEP ONE: get the thing into some useable form.
// So, I made the whole thing into a string, and
// then chopped it up into arrays.
// STEP TWO: get uniqueness. The output is teacher
// based (a list for each teacher).
// STEP THREE: make the lists for each teacher.
// This requires just a few trips thru the arrays
// to grep for what is needed.
// -varibles without comments are just array controllers
// -JavaScript was probably not the best language for
// this task. But, I don't own a C++ or VB compiler.
// -the "substring" method and the "array" object
// were my friends on this project
// -The output is as not as neat as I would have liked.
// (but I didn't want to make a messy HTML file)
// -Don't push the "GO" button twice.
// -The input is delimited by commas, but it could be
// any char, even a space.
// -The input text can be changed from the preloaded
// example, but the code depends on the format.
// -The names of the teachers in the preloaded text
// were chosen for quick readability during debugging.
// (didn't want to confuse Student with Teacher)
// -For mulitple uses just reload the page.
// -This wasn't written on "Notepad" on a Win98 box.
// -Testing was done on "IE"5.5
// -It won't run on Netscape.(has to do with the way
// that I am outputting the results (i think)) |