// ------------19/Jan/00 J. Ian Wilson--------------
// This program takes a flat ascii file and makes a roster
// for each teacher of their students over 2 semeters
// STEP ONE: get the thing into some useable form.
// So, I made the whole thing into a string, and
// then chopped it up into arrays.
// STEP TWO: get uniqueness. The output is teacher
// based (a list for each teacher).
// STEP THREE: make the lists for each teacher.
// This requires just a few trips thru the arrays
// to grep for what is needed.
// -varibles without comments are just array controllers
// -JavaScript was probably not the best language for
// this task. But, I don't own a C++ or VB compiler.
// -the "substring" method and the "array" object
// were my friends on this project
// -The output is as not as neat as I would have liked.
// (but I didn't want to make a messy HTML file)
// -Don't push the "GO" button twice.
// -The input is delimited by commas, but it could be
// any char, even a space.
// -The input text can be changed from the preloaded
// example, but the code depends on the format.
// -The names of the teachers in the preloaded text
// were chosen for quick readability during debugging.
// (didn't want to confuse Student with Teacher)
// -For mulitple uses just reload the page.
// -This wasn't written on "Notepad" on a Win98 box.
// -Testing was done on "IE"5.5
// -It won't run on Netscape.(has to do with the way
// that I am outputting the results (i think))

Text Area for input file

ID     Lname          Fname      Gr Sc Sch  1stTeach   2ndTeach

Be sure you are finished entering or changing
the text box before pressing "GO"

Text Area for Output file